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We went to the field today to launch rockets. We needed a bottle, water, a bicycle pump, a valve and wings for the rocket. We took turns at pumping the rocket, and running after it. We could figure out which way the wind was blowing, by where the rocket flew. When we pumped lots of air in the bottle, the pressure made the valve pop out, and the rocket flew (the water came out as it flew). We tried launching the rocket with no water in it. It launched, and flew higher but not as far. Launching rockets is great fun.
We went to the field today to launch rockets. We needed a bottle, water, a bicycle pump, a valve and wings for the rocket. We took turns at pumping the rocket, and running after it. We could figure out which way the wind was blowing, by where the rocket flew. When we pumped lots of air in the bottle, the pressure made the valve pop out, and the rocket flew (the water came out as it flew). We tried launching the rocket with no water in it. It launched, and flew higher but not as far. Launching rockets is great fun.