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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Nature Walk: Senior Infants

We went on a nature walk with our friends in Miss Comer's Senior Infant class recently. We have been learning a lot about Autumn in class and on our walk we observed many of the signs of Autumn. In particular we saw the changes in the colours of the leaves (we saw lovely shades of red. orange, yellow and brown) and noted how many leaves were beginning to fall down and wither. We also looked out for any remaining swallows before their long trip back to Africa before the Winter comes. We saw plenty of seagulls as our school is near the sea. We also collected some conkers, horse chestnut leaves, ash leaves (and helicopters of course!!) and some blackberries. We were on the look out for some hedgehogs too but decided that day time isn't the best time to go looking for hedgehogs as they are nocturnal animals and much prefer to come out at night!!



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