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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Floating and sinking

We had fun yesterday guessing which things would float and which things would sink!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Twirly Bird Lego: Senior infants

We made twirly birds in LEGO today.  They were not too difficult.
We were able to programme them ourselves.
When they didn't work perfectly we were able to figure out where we went wrong.
We just LOVE LEGO programming!
Have a look at the videos of our lego twirly birds and our programming.

We are able to make our twirly birds change direction by twisting the elastic band at the front.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Strawberries and onions

Today we harvested onions and strawberries from our garden.
Teacher washed and chopped them up so we could all taste them.
The strawberries and onions were absolutely delicious.

Fish in Senior infants

Teacher looked up more about the goldfish.
It is a Sarasa Comet Goldfish, originally from China and is related to the Japanese koi fish.
It is an omnivorous fish and will eat all kinds of fresh, frozen and flake foods.  It would also like peas, zucchini and lettuce!
This fish can hope to live for 7-14 years.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Our butterflies

Our caterpillars arrived towards the end of April. Look at how tiny they were then. They had special food in the container so we didn't need to feed them. We kept a close eye on them each day and noticed how they were eating and eating and getting fatter and fatter.
After a few weeks they made cocoons (another name for a cocoon is a chrysalis) and we gave each one a neme. We called them Lilly, Cookie, Ella, Juzzy and Flutterella.
 We then put our five cocoons in our special little Butterfly Garden.
After about two weeks in the cocoon beautiful butterflies emerged from the cocoons and we brought them outside and set them free.

 They are painted Lady butterflies.

Floating and Sinking: Senior infants

We had great fun experimenting to see which items would float and which items would sink. We predicted the outcome first and it was interesting to see if our predictions had been correct!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Today we harvested our vegetables.
We are still waiting for the carrots and sunflowers.  They will need more time.  So we will continue to water them and take good care of the vegetables and flower.  We were able to harvest some of our radishes and the children who wanted to taste them brough some home to wash and taste.  We learned alot about vegetables, food and growing things this year.  We found out with a little care we can all grow a few vegetables in our garden.  We were amazed that the little seeds we planted in the ground just a few short weeks ago grew into                                      vegetables that we see in the shops.

Caterpillar to butterfly

We watched 5 teeny tiny caterpillars grow into big fat caterpillars, form a chrysalis and then turn into 5 beautiful butterflies.  We released the butterflies on a nice day.

We made some fantastic art and  we all the know the lifecycle of the butterfly really well!!

Junior infant fizzy rockets

We had fun making a fizzy rocket using coke and mints.  The mints cause the CO2 in the coke to dissolve and become more like a gas.