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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Visit from Guzzler and Kay

Kay from Brigit's Garden visited on Monday with a friend called Guzzler.They told us ways to save energy at home and in school.We also did an experiment making energy with lemons,zinc and copper.It was great fun! 

Is it waterproof?

We tested a rubber glove, a plastic bag,swimming togs ,socks and  a paper bag to see if they were waterproof.We found out rubber was the most waterproof material.


This month,we have been learning about penguins,polar bears ,seals and snowy owls.
We had great fun learning about penguins and how the daddy penguin keeps the egg warm until it hatches,and mammy penguin goes off hunting for fish.We also read a story called Penguins In The Fridge about a boy who keeps making penguins out of cardboard and fills up his fridge!
The children were fascinated by regurgitation - the mammy regurgitates fish to feed to the baby...
Learn more about Emperor Penguins here:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Our Hyacinth Bulb

 Remember our Hyacinth bulb looked like this when we first put it in water.
 A few weeks later the roots had started to grow.
Just look at it now with all the love and care we give it!
We just wish you could smell its lovely perfume.  It keeps our classroom smelling nice.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Floating and sinking

We investigated objects that float and sink . We experimented with objects like a rubber duck, wooden brick, straw, feather, plastic boat, a stone, a key, a plastic bottle. We really enjoyed investigating and experimenting and predicting.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Alternative energy

We know that we can get electricity from wind, water (hydro electricity), sun (solar power), batteries, burning peat or coal.  We like electricity from wind water and sun the best since these forms of energy are readily available and never run out.