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Friday, January 16, 2009

Open Day

Science Open Day
Friday, 16th January, 2009
Senior Infants, Room 5 had our Science Open Day this morning from 9 to 10:15am. It was very exciting. The pupils were each responsible for one investigation, and had to explain to parents, other teachers and to other classes what exactly they were doing at their table. All rose to the occasion and we really showed everyone what great scientists we are in this class.
The investigations we demonstrated were:
A balloon in a bottle, Making a spray, Tissue goal, Floating ball, Racing colours, Squeeky straw, Balloon lung, Magical glass, Acids, Diving Drops, Oily water bottle, Ice and water vapour, Snake spiral, Rainbow spinner, The (almost) unburstable balloon, Finger Prints, Dancing raisins, Volcano, Potato maze, Caged lion/prisoner, Rising ball, Helicopters, Balloon rocket and Fizzy rocket

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