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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Examining leaves

We have noticed that the trees are changing colour and they are loosing their leaves. The colours we have noticed around the school are yellow, brown, red and orange. We went on a leaf hunt around our school. We collected some of these leaves to take a closer look. We wanted to examine how all the leaves felt, smelled and what they looked like under a magnifying glass. We especially like the horsechestnut leaf and the oak leaf. We are on the look out for some conkers for our nature table.

Did you know? ......
On finding your first conker of the season, you should say:
" Oddly oddly onker my first conker". This ensures good fortune and few tangles throughout the coming season.
The game of conkers is known as 'Kingers' in some parts of the world.

A big thank you to Sarah for bringing in lots of different types of leaves for us to examine. We decorated the autumn tree in our class today with the leaves. We think it looks great and we love to look at the autumn colours.

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