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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Raindrops, Junior Infants

This week we were talking about weather. It was really wet this week. One morning we looked out the window and all we could see were really heavy showers. When the rain stopped the yard was full of puddles. We dressed up for a rainy day. We had a raincoat, a hood, welly boots and an umbrella. We learnt a poem about the rain drops.

                                               Dripsy, dropsy,
                                               Pitter, patter,
                                               Falling to the ground.

                                               Faster then slow,
                                               Until it stops.
                                               Oh what a welcome sound.

We painted umbrella's in art. We added a puddle by gluing on some tinfoil. We used our fingers to print the rain drops. Finally we used glitter and glue to make the clouds.

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