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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring walk and our garden: Senior Infants

We went for a nature walk on Friday to observe all the signs of Spring. We saw two birds' nests just beside our school and the birds were busy flting back and forth to the nests. We spotted one bird with a twig in its beak flying back to its nest. We noticed how birds like to build their nests up high for better protection from both humans and animals. We also saw that most of the trees had buds on them by now whereas a few weeks ago there were no buds to be seen around our school!! We saw some lovely daffodils and some snowdrops also. Then we all closed our eyes for a minute and just listened to all the sounds we could hear. It was lovely to hear the birds singing.  

We planted some lettuce and radish seeds today in our garden outside our classroom. Our daffodils are dying back but they were lovely. We planted the daffodil bulbs before Christmas.
We watered the seeds with our watering can as the soil was very dry. We will have lettuce and radishes to eat before we get our Summer holidays.

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