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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dancing Raisins

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009
We had fizzy lemonade and raisins in school today so we thought we would see if we could get the raisins to float in water and in lemonade. We all had our own raisins to try but they all did the same thing. We first had to guess whether raisins float in water, float in lemonade, sink in water, sink in lemonade or float and sink in water or lemonade. To keep the test fair we used the same amount of water and lemonade.
This is what we discovered: Raisins sink in water, they also sink in lemonade at the start, but then the bubbles in the lemonade stick to the raisins, so the raisins float. When the floating raisins get to the top of the lemonade the bubbles burst, and the raisins sink to the bottom again, until more bubbles stick to them (like having their very own swimming arm bands)....and so it goes on and on till the fizz goes flat.
After watching them for a while we decided we would try and see what it felt like being a raisin in lemonade. We curled up and sank, had bubbles stick on to us, floated for a while till teacher said "pop", and then we sank down again. We think the raisins must have had great fun doing this experiment!

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